Can you make decisions with pure logic?

Emotions are neurologically essential to making big decisions.

You’ve heard of the “right brain, left brain” idea – that the two sides of your brain are constantly warring. Apparently, the battlefield is not level at all.

Neuroscientists say that the neocortex - the part of the brain responsible for rational thought and analysis - is not capable of making decisions on its own. It’s only the limbic area of the brain - the part that deals with feelings - that can make decisions and determine behavior.

Rationally superior products are not enough to build a brand.

Brands aren’t built on logical comparisons, they’re built on trust and loyalty - in other words, feelings. Positive feelings are triggered by an authentic brand story that reaches people at the gut level - the limbic level. But it doesn’t end there. Those feelings are only confirmed when product and service experiences consistently “walk the talk” time and time again.

Does your brand do that?


Are you ready to feel vulnerable?


When is choice a valuable offer?